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John Allen

Vice Presidents

Mesdames Anne


Mo Vincent

Hon Secretary

Sue Kirk

Hon Treasurer

Clive Wicks

(Field side Cottage, New Barn Rd, Great Tey, Colchester, Essex C06 1AJ


Mo Vincent



(To be re-appointed)


Carol Brown,  Owen Maudlin, Caroline Roberts, Kathryn Ross-Cuthbert, Clive Wicks, Helen Wicks

Officers & Committee

The ‘Essex’ is an active club promoting the welfare of cats and cat owners via its show and emails to members. We currently have vacancies on our committee and would welcome new members and their input.

Please contact us via the website if you would like to join the committee - your commitment would be to attend 2 committee meetings a year and help on the show day to run the show.  If you join us on show day then why not join our committee and add your opinion to how this event is run.